A programação de lançamento e credenciamento dos artistas aconteceu no Espaço Rogaciano Leite no Centro Dragão do Mar de Arte e Cultura com uma solenidade de abertura, show com bandas e performances, além de Live Painting com Rafael Highraff (SP). Durante os nove dias do festival, os artistas estiveram espalhados pela cidade em diversos bairros pintando ao vivo e na rua, apresentando seus trabalhados em grafite, criando instalações de mobiliários urbanos, performances sonoras, além de dialogar com a população e promover palestras, seminários e vivências. Um dos destaques das atividades foi a Amplitude, Escola de Arte Urbana, responsável pelas ações formativas, que em parceria com o Centro Cultural Bom Jardim, realizando Vivências Práticas de Formação, que através de convocatória, 10 selecionados receberam bolsa-auxílio e foram acompanhados, num processo de aprendizado prático e dialógico, por artistas de renome nacional e internacional.
Outro fator importante é o “Seminário Arte Urbana – Cultura Contemporânea”, um ciclo de palestras com artistas, produtores e ativistas da arte urbana mundial. Uma ação em parceria com a Escola Porto Iracema das Artes. As atividades, na capital, seguiram durante nove dias com ações variadas: pinturas de murais e grafite, palestra com Os Gêmeos (BRA); ação de mutirão do ateliê itinerante CarRUAagem; debate “30 anos de Stêncil”, oficina Arte Urbana e Cidade além de visita guiada à exposição “13 anos de produção gráfica” – Choque Cultural no Festival Concreto; discussão “Arte Urbana e Tecnologia / Atelier compartilhado”, palestra “Da arte Urbana para a Arte Contemporânea”; bazar e expô das obras dos artistas do Festival Concreto 2016 e da Choque Cultural e festa de encerramento. A 3ª edição trouxe uma novidade: a arte ocupando a Caixa D’água do Benfica com uma série de ações para intervir, reciclar, reutilizar, restaurar e, principalmente, ocupar. Tudo começou com um mutirão de limpeza e preparação para as intervenções, pintura da casa de máquinas e instalação de mobiliário urbano nos anéis internos da caixa, móveis implantados, disponíveis à utilização do público, além de intervenções livres, performances, entre outras surpresas, a vivência de uma cidade possível.
O Personagem
Na terceira edição do Festival Concreto, a identidade visual contou com ilustração de Rafael Limaverde.
The 3rd Festival Concreto,in 2016, stirred Fortaleza with Graffiti, murals, installations, urban furniture, performances, workshops and concerts, adding more colors to the city. People admiring the streets in a Fortaleza of encounters and glances that contemplate and create, of artists that meet and collaborate, of colorful walls, landscapes and the daily life. All these things make The Festival Concreto – Internacional Festival Of Urban Art, a most expected event in Ceará State.Its 3rd edition had more than 100 local and international artists, more than 35 projects from Ceará State, 25 national projects and 14 international artists from 9 countries. Namely, Mexico, Chile, Spain, Poland, Argentina, Portugal, The Canary Islands, Italy and England. The Festival also held training activities, artistic residence, book signings and the launching of documentaries, Art Fair, and the now traditional parties and concerts that entertain and enrich us with a legacy of creativity , nonconformity and beauty, a legacy that goes beyond the colors of paint. The Festival also held an exhibit titled”A Cultural Shock- 13 Years Of Artistic Poduction” .It was an opportunity to see the works of renowned international urban artists like Daniel Melim, Tec, Jaca, Matias Picón, Stephan Doitschinoff, Rafael Silveira, BijaRi, Zezão, Speto, Onesto, Titi Freak and others. The opening day and the accreditation of participating artists took place at The Rogaciano Leite Room at The Dragão do Mar Cultural Center,in a ceremony with band numbers and performances followed by a live painting session with artist Rafael Highraff from São Paulo which greatly entertained the audience. During the nine days of the festival, many artists went around the city into various neighborhoods painting live on the streets, producing their Graffiti works , installationg pieces of urban furniture, conducting sonic performances, besides dialoguing with the public. Memorable talks, seminars and experiences. One of the highlights was The Amplitude Urban Art School, that carried out training activities in partnership with The Bom Jardim Cultural Center, bringing to new artists Practical Training Experiences. After a summoning process, 10 selected art students received scholarships and were guided through a learning dialogue with renowned national and international artists. Also worth-mentioning is” The Urban Art Seminar On Contemporary Culture”, a cycle of talks with artists, producers, and international urban art activists, which was the result of a partnership between The Festival and The Porto Iracema das Artes School. The activities in the capital , went on for nine days with various actions: The painting of murals and Graffiti, a wonderful talk by the famous Brazilian twin artists “Os Gêmeos” , a joint effort action by The CarRUAgem Traveling Studio, a panel named “30 years Of Stencil”, a workshop titled “Urban Art and The City”, besides a guided tour to the exhibit “A Cultural Shock -13 Years Of Artistic Production”. A debate named “Urban Art And Technology-The Shared Studio”, a talk called “From Urban Art To Contemporary Art”, an Art Fair and an Exhibit of the works made by the artists present at The Festival Concreto 2016 and by artists present at “The Cultural Shock” exhibit. All this plus the wrap-up party! The 3rd Edition brought something new :Art occupying the Benfica Water Tower, with a series of actions that intervened, recycled, reused, restored and most importantly, occupied. The Benfica occupation started by a joint clean-up effort , in order to prepare the place for the interventions, the painting of the engine room, the installation of urban furniture inside the Water Towers, implanted furniture made available to all, besides free interventions, performances, among a few surprises. The experience of a possible city.